
Tank Chess (reprint)

Created by Forsage Games

Outsmart your opponent and destroy their forces in this diceless tactical tank battle game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge manager starting soon + update on add-on options
about 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 01:29:36 PM

Hi, everyone!

Before we get to the important info, we just want to say thank you for all the suggestions we received during and after the campaign, some of which are reflected in the add-ons that are going to be offered during the pledge manager.

Now, regarding the thing that interests you the most, we are currently performing some final checks before opening the pledge manager and the related preorder store. After that, we should wait a day or two for approval from the BackerKit team, so the PM should be open around August 10. The PM will be open for a month, and the starting date change does not affect any of the other dates on the project timeline, as we’ve been working on the production aspect basically since the campaign ended.

Regarding the campaign add-ons, the preliminary list we presented in the Update #10 remains valid for the most part, so we refer you to it for the majority of information:

The changes are as follows:

  • We have added the PnP files of TC Airborne to the full PnP pack and the PnP difference pack;
  • PnP files for Central Square are available at $4;
  • PnP files for Age of Dogfight: WWI are available at $7;
  • PnP files for Age of Dogfight: WWI expansions are available at $7;
  • There will be additional pieces for TC Airborne in Standard size on offer, in Black&white and Gray&beige, both at $7;
  • The additional pieces (half set) containing a full set of pieces for just one player will be featured in the following colors: Orange, Light Yellow, Brown, and Light Gray;
  • We’ve recalculated the production costs for the Monster add-on, so the new prices are:

Monster (Pocket): $4;

Monster (Standard): $5, also available in Gray&beige;

Monster (Deluxe): $7;

  • The add-on consisting of UT piece and the pieces that lost on vote to enter the Fun Set Plus has been given more pieces, so it will finally contain: 1x Ultra-heavy Tank, 2x Armored Car, 1x Armored Boat and 2x Light tank Destroyer. Total of 12 pieces and 8 reference cards. This set will be featured under the name Special pieces, in Black&white as well as Gray&beige, and because of the increase in the number of the pieces, the new prices for this add-on are:

Special pieces (Pocket): $6

Special pieces (Standard): $8

Special pieces (Deluxe): $22

  • TC Storage Box: we have decided to make the storage box more affordable, as there are many current All-in-one orders, as well as many backers with at least one expansion that could find the TC Storage Box useful. This box will also be simpler in terms of production process, although it will still contain 6 compartments, so it will finally look like this: 

Instead of the previously announced $20, the TC Storage Box will be priced at just $9.

That is all for now. The next Update will announce the start of the pledge manager, and in the meantime, feel free to let us know what you think about the changes. Take care!

A big THANK YOU + Stretch goal announcement!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 03:00:31 PM

Hi, everyone!

Since the Kickstarter campaign has just finished, we wanted to thank you all for the amazing level of support you showed during this project! 

We will do our best to handle the production in the most efficient way and to start deliveries much earlier than officially announced, as we mentioned in one of the updates. The production will start immediately after the pledge manager, that should start by the end of July. We will announce all the add-on content available shortly before the PM is open, so be sure you follow our updates.

In other news, in the last hour of the campaign, we have managed to reach the next stretch goal! THANK YOU! By quite a margin this time, the new Fun Set Plus component is the Remote-controlled Bomb!

The tanks that lost on public vote will get featured together as a separate add-on, available to you in the pledge manager. 

Until the next update, see you in the comment section! Cheers!

Add-ons: preliminary list
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 03:30:45 PM

Hi, everyone,

Here is the preliminary list of the add-ons that will be offered during the pledge manager. There might be some slight changes, as the estimated quantities played a significant role in what you see here. Feel free to let us know what you think!

Production announcement + earlier shipping!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 11:02:07 AM

Hi, everyone,

Not much to go until the end!

While we are eagerly waiting to see the results of your vote for the next stretch goal in hope it would be reached before the end of the Kickstarter campaign, we have some important news: after some talks with our collaborators, we have established a general production schedule, according to which the first pledges would be shipped months early, during the fall of 2023!

As some of you probably know, most parts of the production process, as well as the full assembly, are done in our workshop, which is also the point of pickup for the UPS courier in order to get your order directly to your doorstep. This is important because the most efficient way for us to optimize the production for this project is to manufacture components in phases, then do the assembly of batches of one particular set at a time, and then dispatch them before getting to another version or set.

That being said, the reprint of the Tank Chess and Fun Set in Standard size will take place during the summer, which means that, if everything goes according to plan, the backers who ordered just the two or just one of the two would get their pledge in early fall. After that, the production of the Portable version will take place, then Extended, and after that, Fun Set Plus and Airborne expansions will be produced. After each production phase, we will ship the orders that have been completed in the meantime. We will update you regularly on the production status, and everyone will get a timely notice about their shipment in particular.

Hope you like the news! Now, back to getting that extra vehicle!

P.S. In the next update, we will present a preliminary list of add-ons available in the pledge manager.

The reference cards stretch goal has been reached! Now, it's time for another vehicle: VOTE NOW and get your favorite at $32000!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 01:45:09 PM

Hi, everyone!

If nobody told you lately, you are awesome! We can't thank you enough for your tremendous support, and for helping us make this game even better! Thanks to you, individual piece reference cards have become a part of the set!

As for the next stretch goal, at $32000, we have more pieces awaiting to make their way into the Fun Set Plus.  Like previously, your votes will decide which of the two options will become a part of this expansion, and the contenders are Light Tank Destroyer and Remote-controlled Bomb!

Don't hesitate to vote in comments and increase the chance for your favorite to win. Also, don't forget we're only a few days away from the end of the Kickstarter campaign, so there is not much time if you want to get another piece into the Fun Set Plus before the Kickstarter campaign ends.

Vote now!